
Celebrating Argentina's Flag Day with Traditional Dishes

On June 20th, Argentina celebrates Flag Day, commemorating the creation of the national flag by General Manuel Belgrano in 1812.

At Pampa, we understand the importance of keeping traditions alive, especially when far from home. Today, we want to bring you a taste of Argentina by highlighting traditional dishes you can prepare to celebrate this special day.

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Argentine empanadas, whether fried or baked, are a classic. Fillings can vary from beef, chicken, ham and cheese, to corn (humita). You can add raisins, eggs, olives, or even a touch of sugar to the filling to taste.

Nothing beats celebrating Flag Day by gathering with friends to enjoy a traditional Argentine asado. Various cuts of meat are slowly cooked on the grill, accompanied by a variety of sauces such as chimichurricriollabarbecue, and spices to enhance the flavors.

Locro is a traditional stew especially prepared during patriotic dates. Made with corn, squash, beans, and various meats, this dish is hearty and flavorful. Adding dried ingredients can further enhance its taste.

Pastelitos filled with quince or sweet potato paste are a typical treat at parades and national festivals. Fried and crispy, they are the perfect companion for mate.

Receta de pastelitos y otras preparaciones con membrillo

What food represents Argentine tradition for you? If you shop online today at, from the United States, Canada, Australia, France, Ireland, or any other country in the world, you will receive Argentine and Uruguayan productos at your doorstep in just a few days. 

19th Jun 2024

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